G O   B E Y O N D   -   W I T H   M B S T   U N I T E D


In the world where nothing is certain but the breath-taking beauty of an Arabian horse, meet the dream team of MBST: Miles Buckley and Gregor Aymar, friends and business partners united by a deep love and passion for horses. But for them, an Arabian horse is much more than meets the eye. In fact, it is the strong but sensitive personality inherent to the breed that captivated their young hearts many years ago, making them unable to imagine their future without horses. And yet, being part of the Arabian horse industry means so much more to them than a way to make a living. It is their entire life.
Why are they so unique?

Miles: M is for Motivated

Miles grew up surrounded by horses. Thanks to his parents’ strong involvement in breeding and showing part-bred Arabians and ponies, he has been no stranger to the horse show scene since early childhood. At one of the shows, the sophisticated beauty and commanding charisma of an Arabian captured his attention. From that day on, he has been determined to combine his passion for the breed with his innate competitiveness and challenge seeking personality. This combination has inevitably resulted in Miles’s impressive career as a trainer and handler that already has several major awards to his credit, including two prestigious World Champion titles. The first victory at the World Championships is of special importance to Miles due to his help and involvement in breeding the successful yearling colt. His hard work and dedication made his business develop into a widely recognised international enterprise in a relatively short time. Apart from show halter training, Miles has been engaged in other commercial activities, like breeding, marketing, sales and consultancy. His personal motto to keep the horses and people around him happy and content has certainly come to fruition, helping the business to grow and prosper.

However, none of the above would be possible without the continued support from his closest family. In fact, Miles’s  mother Jackie, his father Edward and brother Connor are the backbone of MBST. When Miles is away, Jackie stays in charge of managing the farm, conditioning of the show horses as well as supervising the broodmares and foals, while Connor is taking care of the halter training and clipping. Without their daily engagement and hard work, the functioning of the farm would not be possible when Miles is traveling from show to show.


Gregor: G is for Genuine

Fascinated by Arabians from an early age, Gregor’s main goal was to turn his passion for horses into a professional career; the aim which he has continually put into action for more than 25 years. As a self-taught photographer and graphic designer, strongly focused on finding a link between his education in marketing management with his artistic sensitivity, he founded Eyecatcher Advertising, an equine marketing company based in Geldern, Germany. Without any formal training in photography but with his own inimitable style, Gregor has worked his way up to become one of the most recognised and sought-after equine photographers in the world. His exquisite photography perfectly captures the essence and ethereal beauty of the purebred Arabian horse.

However, Gregor’s involvement in the industry reaches far beyond his artistic activity. As a great ambassador and promoter of the breed, he was one of founders of the European Breeders Trust AG, a shareholding company meant to stop the decline of the Arabian horse breeding in Europe. Further he was part of the organizing team of the prestigious All Nations Cup and European Breeders Select Sale in Aachen.

Brave enough to openly discuss the burning issues of the industry, he is not afraid to honestly admit that the world of fine art of breeding horses he learnt the hard way. Yet, this tough lesson was also an enriching experience that now helps Gregor to guide people in the right direction so that they avoid making similar mistakes.


Why are MBST United a dream team?

Two very different but equally successful careers have become a joint venture which combines the best of both worlds. Miles and Gregor complement each other perfectly by bringing their own unique sets of skills and talents into the business. More importantly, their collaboration is based on long-lasting friendship, loyalty and mutual trust. Striving for excellence in all their endeavours, they have continuously supported each other and, when necessary, they have pushed one another out of their comfort zones to reach beyond their limits.

Besides their mutual passion for horses, they share a clear vision of how to grow the business by building and maintaining strong relationships with their clients. With a high standard of business ethics in all facets of operations, they aim at establishing close collaboration with their clients based on the give and take approach to business. Their main purpose is to honestly advise and guide people in the right direction, helping them to improve and develop their breeding programmes. Although Miles and Gregor are heavily engaged in expanding the business in the continuously changing reality, their commitment to the wellbeing of the breed goes far beyond their own personal interests. Mindful of how their attitude and actions may have a long-term impact on the future, they do their best to promote the breed and to open people’s eyes to how amazing Arabian horses truly are.


All that said, there are two more people to mention who have been and are very important and loyal to the team, Miles's long term friend Malik Morrison who is not only managing Arabians Imperial UK for  Dawn Cascoe for past years but has been very supportive to Miles during all of his career. Last but not least  there is Wynand Bouwer, a very talented trainer and horseman from Namibia who accompanied Miles and MBST for many years throughout the show rings of the world.




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